Daisies Friendship
Thursday afternoon Meg Calhoun
messaged a few Daisies with an SOS
floral arrangement challenge.
Without question, we answered yes.
What can I say, we are somewhat adventurous, not to mention industrious.
So the challenge was happily met for our fellow Daisy in need.
On Friday morning Deanna Slone and Maria Harbin met at 6am at Megs home. Then they picked up Katryn Taylor at 6:30am. There was an early morning giddiness as we traveled toward our destination.
We headed to "Sports and Social" at The Battery where we were met by Megs friend Josh, who directed us to our floral challenge.
Boxes and boxes of plastic flowers were then unwrapped, sorted and divided evenly for the planters. The other challenge was the insulation foam being cut for filler for the planters.
Once underway Meg designed the first planter, then busy hands continued the process.
Moral of this story is you have friends in the Daisies Garden Club that will answer your SOS with joy and laughter amongst your challenge.
Thank you Meg Calhoun for this adventure!