The Daisies
Garden Journal is ready, yeah!
Meg Calhoun has created a garden journal for Daisies members benefit.
Many of the Daisies shared their favorite plants from their garden through the
"You have to grow it, to know it" forms she presented at our Daisies meetings. This form was a tool she created as resource for sharing education on gardening.
It's exciting that this came to fruition, during National Garden Week 2023. Hard working Daisies sharing the love of gardening through knowledgeable experiences.
Thank you!
Meg, 2022/2023 Board members, and the Daisies at large for your
time and efforts for making this a reality!
It is now posted on the website and can be downloaded, then printed for your use.
*Persons that have not shared their pictures yet,
still can by texting
Katryn Taylor. 404-550-7530
She can update the file anytime.