Pansy Palooza
Orders Due October 16th by Noon
Pick up October 20th Noon - 3pm
Share this opportunity with your neighbors and friends!
Make this Pansy Palooza fundraiser the best ever!
Only $20 per flat
Orders must be placed by 12 noon on Monday, October 16th
Mail orders:
MEGC, Atten: Pansy Palooza
505 Kennesaw Ave., Marietta, GA 30060
Drop off to Kate at the Marietta Educational Garden Center
Payment is due when placing order- cash/ check
Make checks payable to
Marietta Council of Garden Clubs
You can also order and pay online
All orders must be picked up on Friday, October 20th between 12noon- 3pm
Any questions call the MEGC office at : 770-427-3494
Don't settle for store-bought plants!
Here is your opportunity to order direct from a leading grower of quality annuals:
Chestatee Growers, a family-owned and operated grower, founded in 1982.